Complete Hive Kit with Deep and Medium Body (Unassembled)
Model: AST-12
Everything you need to start producing honey in a single package. Assemble, add your bees and you are set!
This Complete Hive Kit comes with a single deep, a single medium body (one brood box and one honey super) and all parts for a complete Langstroth beehive. Please note this kit only comes in 10 frame equipment.
Instructions with images are included within the package for an easy to assemble home for your bees.
The hive kit contains:
• 1 Deep & 1 Medium hive body Langstroth (brood box 9 5/8" & Honey super 6 5/8" height)
• 1 Screened bottom board offering great air circulation in the hive, limiting moisture accumulation & comes with a back drawer for Varroa mite check
• 1 Inner cover as an inner roof for honeybees so that bees do not build wax or propolis on the outer cover making it hard to open.
• 1 Entrance reducer to control the number of bees in/out the hive (very useful to keep intruders out)
• 1 Queen excluder to separate brood box from honey super so the queen bee does not lay eggs where you collect your honey
• 1 Metal telescopic cover to protect the beehive from outside elements
• 10 Deep & 10 Medium wooden frames & waxed plastic foundations (White or Black depending on availability).